An error occured : '{error}'<br/>It is possible to click on the button bellow to print page with the browser.
Service available at external url ({url}) does not have the software `chromium` installed, and it is needed to its functionning (see help: {helpLink})
Connexion not possible<br/>Pdf creation by altenative way.<br/><i>If a new window does not open in this browser in few seconds, click on button bellow.</i>.
No pdf service is registered on this website.<br/>You can install `chromium` on this website,<br/>or ocnfiguring `htmltopdf_service_url` in 'wakka.config.php'.<br/>instructions are available in help {link}
The external url ({extUrl}) is not reachable :<br/><ul><li>because extension `publication` is not up-to-date on this external server,</li><li>or this url is not existing or is not an url to generate pdf,</li><li>or the external server has a missing or too restritive `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` http header.</li></ul>(see help : {helpLink})<br>Error : {error}
The website uses an external url ({extUrl}) to generate pdfs but this external server does not allow generation of pdf for the current domain.<br/>Contatct the administrator of concerned service to ask to add the current domain (see help : {helpLink})
The website uses an external url ({extUrl}) to generate pdfs but this external server is not well configured (see help : {helpLink})
Error while generating pdf for '{url}' : {error}
This website uses an external service to print pdf. You will be redirected to this service.
Creating pdf
A new window/tab should be opened but you have to manually validate its opening!
Print via browser
Open pdf on external page